Aim & Objectives
The aim and the objects are charitable and Spiritual purposes which are enumerated in general and the society in particular for achieving the aim of the Trust.
Charitable:- The object of the trust is to work towards the social, economic and educational upliftment of the poorest section of the society the Trust will also carry on ‘BAL VIKAS’. In order to achieve the aim of the trust, the Trust may undertake such responsibilities as may be decided by the trust in their meetings from time to time. The Trust owes its responsibilities to the society and for the social behavior. To commemorate the name of Late Parmeshwar Mishra, the Trust may undertake such responsibilities and such duties which may result into service to all and the philosophy of LOVE ALL and SERVE ALL may be adopted. Under the resolution of the Trust, either individually or from such institutions and carry out such function which could confer the name and fame of Late Parmeshwar Mishra and in this connection could proceed to undertake such charitable work without any intention to confer any benefit monetary or otherwise to either trust or its trustees. The trust by its resolution may start a library, collection of books for promoting education and awareness in the society and may from time to time take such other activities which may be relevant for the purpose of achieving the aim of the trust. In order to carry out charitable object of the trust, it may promote and organize activities related to sports to achieve physical well being of the society. The trust may open health center, dispensaries, hospital and disease detection for achieving medical test and fitness of member of society and in this regards may engage physicians, pharmacists and other health staff. The trust may undertake such activities to obviate pollution of the environment. It is further pointed out that the trust may undertake such activities and render such services which may be required by the society. The trust will endeavor to contribute towards social reforms, education and health.
Spiritual:- Although Late Parmeshwar Mishra stood for the secular society but he himself stood for Sanatan Dharma and therefore, this trust undertakes to carry out such Spiritual functions, organize function, confer duties to the trustees and achieve such objects which may confer benefit to any or all religion. In other words the objects of the trust is to bring Spiritual harmony in the society. The trust could achieve its aim if they fulfill their objects and adopt the line of Adwait for the purpose of the achieving the aim of trust. For its Spiritual functions, it may and could organize meetings, invite scholars, carry on cultural functions and could perform such function which may encourage the society socially and religiously. The trust by its resolutions may further construct and install deities for any religion and could carry out its functions for Spiritual preachings to bring Spiritual harmony in the society.